Flowers and Insects………Up close and Personal


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Flowers and Insects are so photogenic. But what makes it even better is when you can see them detailed and magnified. There are plenty ways to do that with a dslr or mirrorless camera. You can use close up filters or extension tubes (if you are on a budget these are your best options). The best way is using a dedicated macro lens. When you are using a macro lens, the subject in the photograph is greater than life size. Enough lens talk, especially since the word lens is nowhere to be in the title of this post…….. Enjoy

beautiful flowers….

Flowering tree SunflowerPeruvian lily Its all about the details... 

Icky bugs…

Follow the leader... All fun and games until you realize it's not a tiny leaf... How to train a.........dragonfly A good friend or partner knows you can't always share the spotli

Patience young grasshopper.....

And it’s so much cooler when you can get both a flower and a bug at the same time…..

A little trailside pollinating... Monarch butterfly Getting some sun

Long weekend getaway at Hickory Run State Park

We decided to spend the long holiday weekend (Memorial Day) camping and hiking.  Our place of choice was Hickory Run State Park since there were no pet sites available at Ricketts.  This is the first time at Hickory Run and I am glad I came.  Hickory is a big park with plenty to do.  They have a sand beach at Sand Spring Lake where you can swim (hopefully we can do this in the summer).  They have plenty of trails. According to the Park website, they have 44 miles of trails.  None of the trails are very long which means you can try several in a day. 
Of course, one of the first things we do after we set up camp is relax and make dinner (easy and quick).  
As I said earlier there are plenty of trails, and the first one we hiked was after dinner.  It was on the Fireline Trail.  This trail is 2.4 miles but we only hiked in 0.5 miles from the trailhead.  The description reads “about 0.5 mile from the trailhead is a picturesque overlook of the Lehigh River and Lehigh Gorge State Park” and “this is one of the most beautiful spots in the park to watch a sunset”.  This description was definitely correct.
The next morning we got up and prepared breakfast to fuel our bodies for our day of adventure (4 kids and 3 dogs make it an adventure for us). 
Scrambled eggs and sausage

Since I like waterfalls, we decided to go to hike the Hawk Falls Trail which led us to Hawk Falls, a 25 foot waterfall.  This trail is only 0.6 miles but it seemed longer (remember kids and dogs).   I guess I should have known that a holiday weekend would bring big crowds so I had to make due of how I positioned myself and camera for the picture.  No swimming allowed here but that didn’t stop people from jumping off the side into the water below.

If you enjoy rock hopping, then another point of interest is Boulder Field.  The kids and dogs enjoyed this.  My 5 year old was determined to walk these boulders without any hand holding or help…..but that didn’t last long.

“I got this”

Me and my dog. Photo taken by my wife
Dinner Time…

The last day we hiked the Shades of Death Trail (not as bad as it sounds).  This trail was actually very scenic as it runs along Sand Spring Run.  We saw a few waterfalls and dams.

Hope they come out okay….

One of the dams

A few more falls across the road from Shades of Death Trail and the Park Office. 

In front of the Chapel

Double your viewing pleasure

I will absolutely come back to Hickory Run State Park even if it’s for a day trip.

If you want to learn more about the park, here is the park’s link: 

A little exploring in the Fall…..

     Since Christopher Columbus was an explorer (and no he did not “Discover” America), I figured I would take off of work on Columbus Day to do a little exploring of one of my favorite places (plus school was out so made it a daddy/daughter hike day).  Back in June when my daughter was 9 years old she told me didn’t want to come back until she was older (hike was tough for her).  Well she is now 10 and she came with me and I’m pretty sure a few months later is not what she meant.  But she did much better and enjoyed it. 

Ready for her 2nd time

Since we were pressed for time (Had to get back in time to pick up the other daughter from her school), we didn’t get to spend all day there as I would have loved to do.  Here are some the waterfalls for your enjoyment.

F.L. Ricketts Falls

R.B. Ricketts Falls

Mohickon Falls

Delaware Falls
Ganoga Falls

If you ever visit here or any other place that has waterfalls, don’t forget to get a different perspective on them by getting up close and personal.  Also don’t overlook the smaller cascades and pools.

Wyanot Falls
Cayuga Falls

Waters Meet
Silky motion

You can’t just walk up to a waterfall and get a quick look and then leave.  Sometimes you have to get a little reflecting/thinking time in too.

Will the wish come true…

Hiking in the Fall is great just because of all the colors that you see
that come with the season. 

Which way
Midway Crevasse
Hi Ho Hi Ho

But all hikes must come to an end.  And after 4 hours it was time to head out and take our 2 ½ hour drive back home. 


But before we did, down the road in another part of the park, we had to see just one more…….


Early Summer hike at Ricketts Glen State Park

I figured I would start off the Summer of 2013 with a hike at Ricketts Glen.  I also think it was about time to stop keeping Ricketts a secret from my 9 year old daughter (especially since she keeps asking me to bring her here).  So here we go with the introduction….
Cici, this is Ricketts.  Ricketts, this is Cici……

Well, at least I still get to keep Ricketts all to myself because she informed me that she will wait until she is a little older to do this again (After 5 hours of hiking, she was exhausted).

Lots of people come here just to see the waterfalls.  You can spend a few minutes at each fall and sometimes you can spend a very long time at them.  Well unfortunately since I had an extra person to look after, we didn’t get to spend as long as we wanted to at each fall.

Here are the some falls that we stopped by. 

Mohawk Falls

Mohawk Falls

Oneida Falls

Cayuga Falls

Top of Ganoga Falls

Ganoga Falls

Erie Falls

Mohickon Falls
R.B. Ricketts Falls

Ozone Falls

Of course while hiking you always need to stop to take some breaks or even for a little snack.

Break time
Snack time with Aunt Irene

We always stop by a place called Waters Meet for lunch.

A little fall at Waters Meet

This time it was a little different.  We had to share our dining spot with a little creature.  Well, I guess I have should have said we had to share his dining spot since he lives here and we are just visiting.

He was nice enough to share his dining spot

Lunch time

Just one last advice before I end this post…Not only do we have to watch out for dangerous obstacles while walking along the trail……But apparently we have to watch out for kids throwing rocks from the bridges while trying to take a photo.

Kid threw a rock from this bridge as Jim was setting up a shot.

A little hiking in Shenandoah National Park

Shenandoah National Park has something for everybody who loves nature and the outdoors.  The park has a scenic drive (Skyline Drive), wildlife viewing, lodging/camping, backpacking/hiking (Appalachian Trail runs thru it too).  I actually did some hiking this time.  

I had all intents of hiking the Doyles River Falls Trail but due to the ages of two of my hiking companions, the Ranger recommended Dark Hollow Falls Trail.
My companions
Apparently Doyles River Falls Trail has a big elevation gain (Steep climb) back to the parking area and probably didn’t think my 9 and 4 year old could handle it (He is probably right).  Well, since I didn’t feel like carrying a complaining 4 year old, I took his recommendation. 

Leaving civilization as we know it
By the time we made to the end of the trail where it meets up with another trail (Rose River loop), we all worked up an appetite so of course it was time for lunch and a break. 
After our brief break, we headed back up the trail and stopped at the falls (the reason why we came). 
Rules are made to be broken….just kidding

 Another reason why we came was to see some wildlife.  We saw the usual deer, but that wasn’t enough.  
Photo taken by my daughter
What we really wanted to see were bears (two years ago I did see bears and cubs), bobcats, and foxes.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see any of these.  But while walking the trail, we did see fresh evidence of something.


After this hike we decided to check out another trail and as we hiked up, up, up, and up, there was a point where you could actually see Skyline Drive through the trees which I thought was pretty cool.  

Well, I wish I had more time to spend in the park but since it was just an extended weekend getaway I had to make due of what time I had.  I hope one day I will be able to convince my daughters (the wife refuses to do it) to go backpacking for a week in this beautiful park.


Winter Hiking at Ricketts Glen State Park – Pennsylvania

My favorite time to hike the Falls Trail in Ricketts Glen State Park is during fall when all the leaves change color.  Well, at least I thought that was my favorite time until I went in the winter.   

It’s actually just as beautiful in the winter because of the ice that forms on the rocks and falls.  But before you go out and venture to Ricketts during the winter, you have to keep in mind that the Falls Trail is closed from early/late fall until Spring due to the icy and dangerous conditions. 
They had the required gear.
The only people allowed on the trails are experienced ice climbers and hikers with the required gear which consists of crampons, ice axe, and rope.  If the Park Ranger sees you without the required gear you will be fined.

The required gear

The highlight of Ricketts Glen is the 22 waterfalls.  That’s right, your read correctly….22.  Not just 22, but 22 named falls.  How many other state parks can say that they have 22 named waterfalls.  One of the reasons I wanted to do a winter hike is to actually see ice climbers in their element. Due to the weather (it was cold, but not cold enough), the falls were flowing and not frozen solid so unfortunately I didn’t get to see them.  But the falls were still beautiful.  Here are a few.

Sheldon Reynolds. 36 Ft

Harrison Wright. 27 ft

Ganoga. 94 ft (the tallest)

Mohican. 39ft

Adams. 36ft

While hiking during the winter there are plenty of things that you will come across. You will see lots of cross country skiers.  And you will see cool looking ice formations that form alcove/cave like structures and also that cool blue color that you would see in photos from Alaska or Antarctica.

That’s me, photo by Jim G.
Jim G

The water source that runs through the park is called Kitchen Creek.  And there are plenty of spots to stop along the creek to rest or even eat your lunch. 

Waters Meet.  Great lunch location

If you decide to go on this “adventure” to hike the Falls Trail during Winter, just make sure you are careful and pay attention to your surroundings because the trail are in fact icy and slippery.  And depending on what path you take, some of those slippery parts can be right on the edge of a cliff (big and small)

Getting around a ledge.
Crampons doing their job..

Well now that I have two favorite times of the year to hike the Falls Trail, Ricketts Glen will definitely be seeing me more.  If you do visit this park or any other park for that matter please…. Leave No Trace Behind.

Summer Lovin…

I know lots of people hate the winter and the bitter cold especially my other half so this post is for all you winter haters.  My furnace recently went out of commission and we had to endure a cold household for one night. And to help keep warm, I thought of all the things that go along with Summer.  So when you have a little cabin fever this winter, just remember what you can look forward to in about six months….
Beaches, beaches, beaches.  What is there not to love about (you guessed it) beaches… Most people like to sleep in late while at the beach (the lazy ones), and others don’t mind getting up very early in the morning to catch a beach sunrise..
Ocean City MD

We can’t forget about the people who like to get up a little later in the morning for some at the shore activities.  

Surrey bike ride on the boardwalk. Ocean City MD
Figuring out her game plan before throwing her fishing line from the pier.  Myrtle Beach SC

Now it’s time to show what the beach is really about.  The beach is for everybody who just want to sit around (lay around too) and just be lazy while enjoying the sun and listening to the waves crash the shoreline.  
Cape May NJ
Enjoying a few while sitting on Higbee Beach. Cape May NJ

For those who didn’t want to get up early to enjoy a sunrise, all you have to do is wait several hours (more than several) to catch the sunset.

Ocean City MD
Mother and her daughters enjoying a sunset at Sunset Beach. Cape May NJ

When the daylight disappears, the fun is not over.  There are plenty of things to do at the beach when the sun goes down.

Myrtle Beach SC

Especially when you can be there during a holiday celebration..

July 4th. Myrtle Beach SC

If there is anyone else out there like me who think beaches are the only places you can enjoy during the summer, I can be just as happy in the mountains as I am the beach.  These days, mountains aren’t just for Winter recreation. 

And beaches are not the only place to find a nice sunrise.  When most people photograph a sunrise, they are normally facing the sun. For a different perspective, have you ever tried turning yourself and your camera (while on a tripod of course) 180°?  It can be just as beautiful.  
Shenandoah National Park
Where else but the mountains can you also see valleys between mountain ranges, wildlife, and scenic roads…..
Shenandoah National Park
Massanutten Resort. Virginia

Skyline Drive. Shenandoah N.P.

City Lights……

Hey everybody.  This is my first blog.  On Saturday Dec 22nd a friend and I went out to capture some city scenes at night.  Regardless of what you hear in the news, Philadelphia is a beautiful city (at night)….

One of the stops we made was actually in New Jersey.  That’s right, I said New Jersey.  What better way to see Philly and the Ben Franklin Bridge… is to go over to the Camden waterfront.  That night was cold and very windy so my Benro Mefoto travel tripod did the best job that it can do.

Here is a B&W version for all the people who love black and white photography.

Another stop we made was to City Hall.. Philadelphia’s City Hall has not only has great architectural features… also looks great at night and in B&W.  

Here is another angle of City Hall.  Wait, is that a big clothespin?  Yes it is, that clothespin sculpture has lots of meaning to the people of Philly and the surrounding suburbs. The clothespin sits right by the steps that lead below to our transit system.  When you wanted to meet up with friends, you would always say “lets meet up at the clothespin”, everybody knew where that was.

Shot Benjamin Franklin Parkway looking towards City Hall

I wasn’t happy with this photo but I had to include it.  You can’t leave out our Love sculpture which sits in, you guessed it…Love Park. 

This is in Lenfest Plaza… It’s a crashed plane sculpture.

Art Museum area is another spot to check out. This is the Waterworks and if you look up in the background, you see the back of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Of course you can’t forget Boathouse Row along the Schuylkill River.  Again very windy and my MeFoto did all it can do.

Until next time……..